Monday, February 1, 2010

More money more problems?

I have been noticing a reoccurring theme this week in my life. The more we have the more we want.

This may shock my readers and I do suggest you sit down before reading this but, I do not own a television.

Are you there? Are you okay? Has the shock worn off?

I won't get into they why's just now but besides the obvious reasons, commercials, addiction etc. there are a plethora of very valid reasons the Abba (The Daddy) and I chose not to have one in our home.

We do, however, have family who owns televisions. Last week the Abba went away to the Holy Land to get some milk and honey. While he was away we stayed at my families house and without getting into too much detail, I'll just say by the end of the week I was signing Noam up for TAA, Television Addicts Anonymous.

It's interesting, at home he can go an entire day of reading, playing games, and hanging out with the Imma (The Mommy) and be just fine. But, when he's around a television, the more he watches the more he asks for. For some reason he cannot control himself and just watch 20 minutes. That 20 minutes makes him want another and another.

We're totally spoiled.

We all know it. We shouldn't feel guilty about it, we should take pleasure from it. Real, deep pleasure!

Do you ever find yourself complaining about your internet being down or your cell phone not working? Well come on, if you really think about what's happening in space to make your computer work on wifi and your cell phone have reception, you'd be laughing at yourself!

The more we have, the more we cannot comprehend what life was like without it and the more we want. It's a rat race really. One of my dearest friend and mentors in life recently cried to me about how her remote control car door was broken and she didn't know how she would go on! She quickly realized on her own that her fears of the manual car door future were quite silly in retrospect.

I'm not saying we shouldn't strive for more, for better. But we have to realize that if we appreciate the things we have, we can find true happiness. If we constantly look for the next thing, we'll never really live in the now. You cannot actually know if you will have the future, and the past is gone so in reality the only thing you DO HAVE is the now. So if we choose to live in the future, we're actually not living in reality!

Wow, that's scary.

We want to live in reality, and we do like nice things, and money, and we do want more and we do aspire for greater and better and that's all great. But in the process we have to figure out how to aspire and grow and climb while living and being in the RIGHT NOW.

Judaism says this is the secret to happiness.


So obvious, yet so hard.

It's not even a case of more money more problems then, it's really a case of more money more desire for more and less focus on appreciation for what we have now.

More money, more more more more more more more more more.....

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